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Regular price $ 234.50 Sale price $ 469.00
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CATA's notes:
View: In the glass it is clean, bright, light yellow with greenish reflections.

Nose: Shows its greatest potential. Intense aroma with aniseed and vegetable nuances typical of the variety, marked mineral touches, white flowers, fennel with a background of spices, vanilla and coconut. On the palate it is lively, with a lively entry, full of ripe white fruit accompanied by good acidity.

Palate: Lively, with a lively entry, full of ripe white fruit accompanied by good acidity. After its attack, it fills the mouth showing glyceric and very unctuous as befits its long aging on lees. Its long and fresh aftertaste shows a slightly bitter finish accompanied by notes of coconut and vanilla that give it great complexity and unmask its stay in the barrel. Consume cold.

Service temperature: 10 – 12°C

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