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Regular price $ 239.20 Sale price $ 299.00
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CATA's notes:
Appearance: White wine of medium intensity, straw yellow color with greenish hues that denote youth. Clean, Crisp, Brilliant that indicates a healthy wine with a medium-high density that shows us a good generosity in alcohol.
Nose: Medium aromatic intensity, fruity character, where green apple and citrus notes such as grapefruit are perceived with some light herbaceous touches. Clean and frank aroma with a friendly presence of alcohol.
Mouth: a wine with a medium attack, very fresh, rich acidity, dry taste, medium long permanence, and the aftertaste confirms the citrus and green apple part.
Pairing: Fresh dishes of medium power such as ceviches, sashimis, tartars, cocktails, shells and, as an option of Mexican gastronomy, some green enchiladas.

Service temperature: 12°C

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